Beyond the code: the cultural catalyst for quality software

Software Development

3 min read

Quality processes can’t be simply mechanized. Writing high-quality code should be more of a cultural aspect than a job requirement. From my perspective, as a developer with over 10 years of experience, software quality isn’t just a set of rules; it’s a philosophy I cultivate daily. 

What does the word quality really mean?

Quality is a subjective attribute, typically assessed by end users based on the tangible characteristics of a product or service. Consider these questions: Does the air conditioner cool adequately? Is the table’s wood smooth to the touch? Is the shirt’s fabric comfortable? 

In the realm of software development, quality is often more elusive. Users interact with the interface, oblivious to the intricate workings of the underlying code. As a result, quality shortcomings may go undetected, particularly if the software performs its core function. 

To exemplify this point, let’s examine two distinct approaches to calculating a 16% VAT tax. 

Quality Software

This is what code for calculating taxes looks like.

While both code snippets achieve the same outcome, the second one is distinguished by its clarity and structure. The increased level of detail and code alignment enhance its readability and maintainability. 

In my role as a developer, I frequently compare various solutions to a single problem. When examining two codebases that serve the same purpose, one might appear more verbose, but a deeper analysis of the second reveals a more lucid understanding of its functionality. Its organization and attention to detail significantly improve its comprehensibility and modifiability. 

These observations prompt me to ponder: What drives me to invest time in crafting code in this manner? What incentives exist for adhering to best practices? How can organizations cultivate a culture of quality within their development teams? And ultimately, is this sufficient to ensure the production of high-quality software? 

The pivotal role of a skilled technical leader

This role is essential for fostering the adoption of robust coding practices. By implementing quality control measures and allocating time for code reviews, we can identify not only poor formatting but also performance bottlenecks in intricate functions. 

The technical leader should serve as a mentor and guide, inspiring developers to become active participants in the code review process. This cultivates a collaborative work environment and empowers each team member to contribute to maintaining high coding standards. 

However, is this the sole determinant of software quality? Unfortunately not, while well-structured and well-documented code is a cornerstone of quality software, it is not a panacea. The development process encompasses more than just coding. 

From rivals to allies: the perfect union between testers and developers 

It’s a common misconception that developers and testers are adversaries. At Giga, we see testing as a crucial part of the development lifecycle, helping us identify and resolve issues early. To promote a culture of quality, we’ve made it a priority to foster collaboration between development and QA teams. 

Let’s not forget that developers and testers share a common objective: delivering high-quality, bug-free code. Did you accidentally omit a ‘where’ clause in your update? Give a shoutout to the tester who identified the oversight before it caused any issues in production.”

Eduardo Vivar – Software Engineer

We build quality together: the customer as a core team member

Our industry is special because the end customer is a true partner in the development process. Why? Software projects are as unique as the businesses they serve. 

To create software that truly meets our customers’ needs, we need to understand their business inside and out. That means going beyond the code and immersing ourselves in their world. 

Effective communication is the foundation of this partnership. Without it, misunderstandings can arise, and we risk delivering solutions that don’t solve the real problems. 

 Ultimately, it’s all about the end user and their validation

The Product Owner is the linchpin between users and the development team. However, differing perceptions and needs can lead to misunderstandings and overlooked features.  

 To ensure our software meets user expectations, it’s crucial to involve them throughout the entire project. From requirements gathering to final testing, the end-user’s perspective is paramount. After all, who better to ensure the software works as intended?  

 Our experience has shown that some users may resist changes to their workflow. That’s why we’ve developed a methodology that includes demos and various testing phases to maximize adoption. 

In summary

A quality-driven culture is a cornerstone of any successful software development company, but at Giga IT, we take it a step further by involving our clients in the journey towards excellence.  

quality software


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